Author: Heather Darrow

What’s dramaturgy, you ask? It’s a word that means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. But in practice here at the Lyric, it’s the information we give to our staff, artists, and patrons, to help enhance their experience and understanding of the work happening up on stage. How that manifests is in a couple

The Lyric has been a pioneer, since its inception, of nurturing talented, up-and-coming Boston actors, designers, directors, musicians, technicians, and arts administrators. Here's a video of Lyric founders Ron Ritchell & Polly Hogan talking about how it was a cardinal value of theirs from the very first show here at the Lyric to support local artists, and not "outsource"

Theater in Thirty is back, and I couldn't be more excited to share it with you! We've got a new camera and a new theme tune, but the same backstage conversation you've come to expect. Today, enjoy snippets from my chat with Harry McEnerny, who you may remember from Avenue Q: I am a short person living in a tall person's

We moved into our space here on Clarendon Street in 1991, with our wonderfully intimate three quarter thrust stage. We've continued to renovate in years past, installing new seats in 2008 and handrails in 2009. There have been a lot of backstage renovations, too, with many more to come. And one of our favorite things about this space? There's literally

Check 'em out! Click to enlarge. Neil A. Casey*, Tiffany Chen, Aimee Doherty*, McCaela Donovan* Neil A. Casey* Cast of One Man, Two Guvnors Neil A. Casey* & Davron S. Monroe* Aimee Doherty* & Neil A. Casey* Cast of One Man, Two Guvnors McCaela Donovan* & Dan Whelton* Davron S. Monroe*, Harry McEnerney V, Chuong

One Man, Two Guvnors is just about to open, and we thought we'd offer you a sneak peek at costume designer Tyler Kinney's absolutely lovely "inspiration boards" for the show, that reference his "Commedia Chic" costume concept, as well as outlining the characters in the play as they relate to their Commedia stock characters from Goldoni's The Servant of Two Masters. (You This show is our #1 top grossing show of all time. We extended it three times. Audiences hooted 'n hollered. People came back for seconds and thirds. We sold to 96% capacity. We laughed, we cried, we made over $10000 in donations for the Theater Community Benevolent Fund, and we had a lot of fun. Enough said. Just watch the

You know what’s great?Real human interaction. That’s why we have real humans answering our phones in the box office. At all times when the box office is open, there is at least one person staffed on the phones. This means that on occasion, you might have to leave a message, but that actual person will call you back! Whether

“What do you mean, it’s two plays?”When we announced in the spring of 2010 we were mounting The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, Parts I & II in repertory, there was a lot of excitement from the theater and the audience alike. It was, after all, one of the largest productions in the history of the Lyric. We had been