Behind Theater Doors: The Chosen Load In
By W. Vickroy, Marketing Assistant
As the Lyric Stage Company of Boston finished up their run of The Mikado this weekend, work immediately began on the set for Lyric’s new production of Chaim Potok’s The Chosen. While of course the finished set will remain a surprise for show goers until opening night on October 19, we thought in the meantime we’d offer a little peek at what our hardworking design and technical masters have been up to behind the theatre doors. I managed to sneak in this afternoon to snap a few quick shots and ask a couple questions about what all is happening here.

The tech table (left) sits among the seats during tech week, acting as a home base for the production team and allowing for the stage manager and designers to directly control lighting and sound from within the house.
The diagram below outlines the appearance of the center stage, as well as some detail on the walls of the set for The Chosen. Schematics like these allow for designers to visualize their plans and concepts for set design.

More photos from the theater below: