Fairtytale Flashback: LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD
In our second edition of Fairytale Flasback, we’re bringing you a whole mess of Little Red Riding Hoods! Did you know: the cape/hood wasn’t always a cape. In early versions of the tale, including the Grimm version we link to below, it was simply a jaunty red cap. I don’t know, somehow “Little Red Cap” doesn’t have the same ring to it as “Little Red Riding Hood”… but maybe that’s just me?

Click for the Brother’s Grimm version of the tale!
With many thanks to D.L. Ashliman’s folk tale library, (click to view) we’ve got a whole mess of Little Red stories ripe for the reading – just click here to get to them – but don’t be surprised if they’re less “happily ever after” than you remember!