Lyric Top 40: Real People on the Phones
You know what’s great?
Real human interaction.

That’s why we have real humans answering our phones in the box office. At all times when the box office is open, there is at least one person staffed on the phones. This means that on occasion, you might have to leave a message, but that actual person will call you back! Whether you need to buy a ticket, make a change, or you lost your umbrella at the theater, we’re here to help.
And so many of you have expressed surprise or delight when you hear “Thanks for calling the Lyric Stage Company!” that we couldn’t help but include it on the countdown. We like that you like that we’re available.
We want your phone calls with us to be as painless as possible, and so that’s why we’re here as much as possible to help you, solve a problem with you, and chat about the theater you’re going to see when you’re with us. So give us a call sometime – we’ll be here.

The Lyric Top 40
A new feature on our blog that celebrates the large and the small, the obvious and the obscure, our very favorite things about The Lyric Stage Company of Boston, the things that make us uniquely Lyric. Check back for the next item on the countdown.