Lyric Top 40: There’s Not A Bad Seat In The House
We moved into our space here on Clarendon Street in 1991, with our wonderfully intimate three quarter thrust stage. We’ve continued to renovate in years past, installing new seats in 2008 and handrails in 2009. There have been a lot of backstage renovations, too, with many more to come.
And one of our favorite things about this space?

There’s literally…

not a bad seat..

anywhere to be found!

You can see the stage and see the action from ANYWHERE! My favorite seats are the ones in that last picture there, up in the back of the center left section. But I’ve sat everywhere, as have many of you, and you know it’s true too. Next time you’re here, try out a new seating location. There’s nothing like a change in perspective!
The Lyric Top 40
A new feature on our blog that celebrates the large and the small, the obvious and the obscure, our very favorite things about The Lyric Stage Company of Boston, the things that make us uniquely Lyric. Check back for the next item on the countdown.