#MeetMollyIvins: Molly on the Texas Governor’s Race
Molly writes about the 2006 Texas Gubernatorial debate, featuring Governor “Good Hair” Perry. “I sacrificed an hour Friday evening to watch the Texas gubernatorial debate on your behalf, since I knew none of you would do it,” she writes. If only Molly would preview all of our debates for us.

The Not-So-Great Texas Gubernatorial Debate, by Molly Ivins
“AUSTIN, Texas — I sacrificed an hour Friday evening to watch the Texas gubernatorial debate on your behalf, since I knew none of you would do it. Democrat Chris Bell looked and sounded like the only candidate who won’t embarrass the state — he was intelligent, well informed and even funny. But the question remains: Can Texas afford to lose that hair?”
Read the entire article here: http://www.creators.com/opinion/molly-ivins/the-not-so-great-texas-gubernatorial-debate.html

Red Hot Patriot: The Kick-Ass Wit of Molly Ivins runs from Jan. 2- Jan. 31st. Great seats still available at tickets.lyricstage.com or through the Box Office: 617-585-5675.
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Ivins: #MeetMollyIvins #RedHotPatriot on Twitter and Facebook!