One Man, Two Guvnors Costume Design with Tyler Kinney
One Man, Two Guvnors is just about to open, and we thought we’d offer you a sneak peek at costume designer Tyler Kinney’s absolutely lovely “inspiration boards” for the show, that reference his “Commedia Chic” costume concept, as well as outlining the characters in the play as they relate to their Commedia stock characters from Goldoni’s The Servant of Two Masters. (You can peruse this article from the Met about Commedia if your interest is piqued.)
These boards hang in the dressing rooms, and we are happy to share them with you today. This gives you. perhaps, an idea of what to expect… or does it?
Tyler returns to us after designing The Temperamentals and By The Way, Meet Vera Stark. For more of Tyler’s work, check out And please join us for 1M2G, running from September 6 to October 12. It is sure to look great and make you laugh… a LOT.